Access Fort Hays Tech | North Central

Welcome to Access Fort Hays Tech | North Central, this is a one stop service for students, faculty and staff to get the information they need to work at the college.

The top navigational bar gives user the most widely used links at the college .

While the side bar gives the user access to the 9 main areas of the college:

Student Success Center – This page contains content that can make the student successful in the classroom.

Student Experience Center – This page contains content that gives the student information about campus life.

Information Technology Center – This page contains content that relates to technology students, faculty, and staff work with on a daily basis.

College Knowledge Center – This page contains content that relates to students, faculty, and staff in a historically look at the college.

Instructional Center – This page contains content that relates to students and faculty and contains course work or instructional related information.

Employee Center – This page contains content that relates to faculty and staff and how they go about their jobs.

Marketing Center – This page contains content that relates to marketing the college.

Maintenance Center – This page contains content on how to get help with maintenance or vehicle support.

Public Web – This link takes the user to our public website that deals with promoting the college to the public.