Please help welcome our new employees for 2022-2023
Beloit campus
Hays campus and Big Creek facility
Alexander Renken – Administrative Assistant
Kelly Ancar – Nursing Instructor
New employee helpful information & Links:
Departments or people responsible for the operation and repair of:
CAMS and Great Plains student/employee records systems: eMobile
CAMS and CAMS Faculty portal password resets: IT Dept.
College computers – hardware and software: IT Dept.
College Email – Microsoft Office 365 and password resets: IT Dept.
College networks and Internet access: IT Dept.
College servers and account password resets: IT Dept.
Great Plains Portal password resets: eMobile
Intranet web server changes and modifications: IT Dept.
Moodle password resets and training: Janet Moeller
Frontline – My Learning Plan password resets: Jennifer Brown
Telephones and Voicemail password resets: IT Dept.
WIDS password resets and training: Jennifer Brown
Fort Hays Tech | North Central Document Center
Absence Request Form
212 Award
Information Systems Use Policy
Information Technology Assistance Request Form
New Employees Information Technology Guide
College Board Policy Handbook
College Staff Email Directory
Cafeteria Menu – Beloit campus only
College Calendar of Events
How to check Voicemail – Cisco Unity Voicemail Commands